Many Community IT clients under-leverage information systems already owned by the organization. There are a variety of reasons for this, but foremost among them is that information systems are frequently chosen to meet a particular set of prioritized business requirements, which become the focus of the initial implementation. As time passes, one or more of several conditions can emerge.

If these conditions remain unaddressed for a prolonged period of time, the organization may find that information systems are increasingly less effective in supporting business needs.
To remedy this problem, I recommend that organizations conduct a review at least once per year to determine if business requirements or the information systems have changed. To demonstrate the benefit of taking this measure, I’ll provide two brief anecdotes from recent client engagements.

Both of these issues would likely have been addressed within the context of the recommended annual review.
Organizations often do not have the internal bandwidth or neutral perspective necessary to lead such reviews, and turn to Community IT to lead these efforts—which may be conducted as stand-alone projects or rolled into a Part-Time CIO relationship.